Support streaming of encrypted videos
Tom Raganowicz
We support video streaming only for non-encrypted files, where as encrypted files video preview require either using: "Open" or "Download" functions which in both cases require full file fetch. That is extremely impractical for huge files like videos.
This task is to implement AES-GCM streaming.
This is dependent on hardware support:
Tom Raganowicz
With 1.4.5 release streaming of encrypted videos is supported on all platforms except web which is being built at the moment:
Streaming isn't supported for previously encrypted AES-GCM files. Instead streaming is supported for files encrypted using Rclone encryption scheme introduced in 1.4.0 release. It will work automatically for all newly uploaded files, no action needed.
If you want to convert AES-GCM encrypted file into Rclone encrypted file, you'll have to download and then reupload it for reencryption.
Tom Raganowicz
Tom Raganowicz
in progress
Tom Raganowicz