Originally requested on Github: https://github.com/s3drive/app/issues/42
We've added the relevant input hooks and included in 1.4.8 release (https://s3drive.app/changelog). We've briefly tested this with Bitwarden and Android which seem to be capturing fields properly at least on the e-mail/password login screen.
The issue that we've had is that we didn't exactly know what would be the best naming convention for all of the four fields that we use on the S3 login screen for the best auto-capture experience.This screen consists (access key id, secret, bucket name and endpoint). On Android we've used (AUTOFILL_HINT_USERNAME, AUTOFILL_HINT_PASSWORD, AUTOFILL_HINT_PERSON_NAME, url) respectively (https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/autofill/HintConstants).